Wed - 10-20-2010: BYE BYE BICYCLE!! America, I am happy to announce that Mr. Anthony Bettencourt will be receiving the official "Kenny Do It Pace Bike". This is the Nirve Beach Cruiser that was in all of my promotional photos, posters and flyers. It also made the entire journey with me and was the bike I rode into Kitty Hawk Pier on for the official end to Kenny Do It. Not only did Anthony win this bike for providing the single highest donation, he also rode this bike next to me on day 70 of Kenny Do It through southern Virginia... LIKE A CHAMP. Congratulations Anthony!!!
Tue - 10-19-2010: KENNY DID IT!! . America, I am back home after pedaling a beach cruiser 3,600 miles in 76 days. What an amazing adventure!!! A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped make it possible. From my Sponsors, to all of the people who took care of us on the road, everyone who donated, everyone who followed along and definitely EVERYONE THAT IS MAKING THE CHANGE. While this chapter of Kenny Do It is ending, stay tuned, there is a lot more to come in the not so distant future. Ride On...
Best - Kenny
Tue - 10-05-2010: BIKING INTO DC THURSDAY . America, I am now in Fairfax Virginia 30 miles outside of DC. This Thursday, I will be biking to our great nations capitol and I want you to join me if you are in the area. This is a family friendly ride. Please check out my ROUTING section for full details. THIS RIDE WILL BE THE FINAL DAY OF KENNYDOIT. Thank you all so much for the support, donations, kind words and most of all for making the change!!!
Best - Kenny
Wed - 9-28-2010: I AM HERE!!! . America, I am in Kitty Hawk NC...3,200 miles and 67 days after leaving the Hermosa Beach Pier in California. On Thursday(9-30-2010) I will be hosting the official bike ride into the Pier from a local shop. Details coming soon. On Friday(10-01-2010) I start pedaling to Washington DC as the bonus part of my adventure to see if I can get some national attention raised for our countries health. Your donations and support are more important than ever in this final leg of my odyssey. Thank you all so much.
Best - Kenny
Wed - 9-15-2010: DONATIONS . America, I was raised to always try and offer help instead of ask for it. It is a good rule to live by but sometimes we all need a helping hand so today, after 54 days of never asking for a single donation, I am reaching out for a little support. Your donations are essential in making the KennyDoIt dream a reality. Not only do they keep the doors open and the lights on here but they help me bring attention and funding to some great causes.Even a small donation of $5, $10, $20 goes a really long way, so if you are able please click on the Donate button on this site or on my facebook page and donate what you can. All donations are tax deductible. I appreciate all of your support!!!!
Best - Kenny
Thurs - 8-26-2010: HEALTH UPDATE. America, I have been officially diagnosed with Coccidioidomycosis "Valley Fever". Google it and you will understand what I am up against and what I actually rode with for 7 days before I found out why the rides were getting harder. Long story short, I got some serious mending to do before I am back on the bike. I am holed up at a good friends house here in Austin resting and trying my best to put it behind me so I can get back on my cruiser and finish what I have started. That is my sole intent and it won't come soon enough. Please stay tuned. As soon as I know, you will know. Thanks for tuning in and tagging along. Go out and get some exercise for me America.
Best - Kenny
Tues - 8-24-2010: HEALTH AND ROUTING UPDATE. America, I am hopeful that tomorrow(Wed - 8-25-2010) will be my last day of recuperating here in Austin. I will spend the day updating routing changes here at Kennydoit. I will put up a post as soon as they are correct. I can't wait t get back on the road and finish this journey. It has been an amazing ride so far and I look forward to much more. Thank you all for the kind words and support. It is my fuel.
Thurs - 8-12-2010: ROUTING UPDATES NOW UP. Please go to routing section to get the latest. Wahoos in Austin, TX is helping me celebrate the halfway point of my ride across America on Sat Aug 21. Don't miss this one!! Also, lots of new pictures in the photo section. Thanks America!!
Hello America!!! Just wanted to say thanks so much for all the support, kind words, donations and for following my journey so far. What an amazing response to something that I thought would go greatly unnoticed. I am in awe!!! It has been hard in some of these remote areas to get internet and phone reception so i update the facebook page first as it is fastest and easiest. If you are following along there you will get the most up to date stuff. This site is updated as much as possible and tonight I have gotten all the latest videos up. I hope you enjoy them. Change starts within. See you soon.
Please try and join Kenny and pedal alongside him on any leg of his journey. Help him make this a truly United Statement that makes a difference and that helps you to start your own commitment to changing your personal health habits.
Kenny Do It is under way!!! Thanks to all of you who showed up and rode with me on day number one. I couldn't do this ride without the amazing support that I have been given by my family and friends and sponsors(see video section). An extra special thanks to Tim Champ and El Monte RV who came in at the eleventh hour after hearing about my cause. Without all the great people over there i truly wouldn't be able to do this ride. See you on the Road America.
Big News America. I have extended the Kenny Do It ride to go all the way to Washington DC after pedaling to my original destination of Kitty Hawk NC!!! Our nations capital needs to see that people care about our this countries health and there are some great initiatives on the table for better school lunches that need support. Please see the VIDEO SECTIONof this site for more info.
Save the date and get your bikes ready!!!July 24th at 6am we are meeting for the first day of the Kenny Do It adventure at Good Stuff Restaurant at Hermosa Pier. A little healthy breakfast then its time to pedal to Corona. Wahoos in Norco(Corona) is hosting the post ride event which starts at noon. Plenty of great food, beverage and entertainment this day. Please join me!!! This ride isn't about me it's about US.
Less than a month to the kickoff of the ride! Please consider riding alongside Kenny anywhere along the route, it's truly what this adventure is all about! Check out the Route for details.
Welcome to Kenny Do It !!!
My name is Kenny Livingston. In the summer of 2010 I pedaled across America(3,600 miles) on a beach cruiser bicycle. The 76 day journey began at the Hermosa Pier in California and took me all the way to the Kitty Hawk Pier in NC and then up to the Capitol in Washington DC. While an undertaking of this magnitude was viewed by many as a lofty ambition, there was great purpose in this ride for me, and hopefully for many of you. The actual "venture" element of the "adventure" was my mission: To inspire my fellow Americans, through example, in making a commitment to change the way we approach our personal health, nutrition and lifestyle choices. A change that will help all of us, especially our children, get on the road to a healthier, happier life through the often over looked benefits of living right(see also: conscious living, preventive medicine, eating right, exercise). While my beach cruiser odyssey has drawn to an end, I am resolute in pursuing other avenues that will further my mission. I am passionate about this countries health and I want you to be too.
America, we have been pressing the snooze button on our wake up call for far too long. We are currently losing many battles concerning our health, a number of which are highly preventable. We have become an increasingly overweight nation that is far too comfortable with placing healthy lifestyle choices low on our priority ladder. We are carelessly passing this torch on to our children. The repercussions of this way of living are all too apparent, from alarming rates of cancer, diabetes, and childhood obesity to birth defects, debilitating disorders and many others. The cause and effect cycle has proven itself and can no longer be ignored. There are few things more distressing than seeing a child saddled with an overwhelming set of circumstances like these. It is time to get off this slippery slope and start taking charge of our personal health. It is time to stop looking outward for help and start looking inward. It is time to make a personal commitment to change and start building a better America by building better Americans.
After years of watching this decline I literally chose to jump in feet first to do my part to inspire and encourage others to place focus on the preventive side of a personal health plan. I am determined to prove that one doesn’t need anything more than a strong will to make this type of transformation possible. The vision here was not simply to achieve my goal in front of you but rather to achieve it with you. My route was an open course for anyone to ride along side of me (regardless of how long or far) and start their own journey of change.
For the ride, I chose to try and raise raise awareness and support for better school lunches and cancer research. I chose these two causes for very specific reasons. While my goal is to get all of America focused and incorporating a healthier lifestyle, there is a large group of people that need our help more than most. Our nations children. Educating our children on healthy food choices and being able to provide them these foods is essential. Our nations school lunches are in desparate need of revamping. While I am one hundred percent certain that the benefits of better nutrition, exercise and a healthier lifestyle will dramatically improve our nations overall health I also accept that it will not eradicate disease entirely. That is why I am also dedicated to garnering awareness and support for ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncologists) to aid them in their research efforts to find a cure for the many cancers that exist. The tremendous strides that have been made in cancer treatment are largely due to contributions from people like you to organizations such as ASCO. I was also proud to work in conjunction with one of my favorite charities, the "Living The Dream Foundation" by Hurley International. For those of you who haven’t yet discovered this great foundation, you should take the time to check it out. I am fortunate to have history with the founder. A personal friend of exceptional courage and strength who has tenaciously outlived the sentence of Cystic Fibrosis well beyond all medical explanation. Through his patently positive spirit, founder Scottie Somers, has seen many of his own dreams realized through sheer determination and a brand of guts that few of us will ever truly know. Scottie has brought the benefits of his Living The Dream Foundation to ailing children everywhere. He is now seeing his vision grow daily through an allegiance with Hurley International. The smiles that LTD puts on their kid’s faces are beyond words.